Minggu, 30 Agustus 2020




Gotem will be a platform that through the blockchain will offer a way of decentralized research in this way, Gotem intends to help obtain and finance specific missions for all specific interests because in this way Gotem will meet all objectives so that everyone will be able to finance global defense, as a security industry and humanitarian efforts, Gotem will empower individuals, all communities, and industries and all states around the world so Gotem will contribute in an effective way as it will allow all of its users to discover and access, and hire the investigators or security guards for a specific mission and everyone will be able to finance to execute a mission and obtain the desired results, as the funds for all specific cases and missions may be financed collectively through private contractors will be able to apply to take on cases and missions, with Contributors for missions as they will use a voting system

to decide which contractor to use, so it will be completely transparent because the Gotem platform’s voting and rating systems will democratize the ecosystem, as the platform will act to ensure greater protection and security through a fully decentralized peer-to-peer platform, Gotem will allow crowdfunding , voting and staking Gotem wants to bring global well-being to everyone by decentralizing funding through a decentralized platform it cannot be closed off from an authority or special interest group as Gotem will make the diversification of resources easy and reality made the global change in which everyone participates in contributions to Gotem with its functional prototype because it is ready to be launched at Gotem and its technical team. It foresees that its movement will change the way all people interact and conduct their lives as it will facilitate and made it transparent once and for all so for more information Please visit the website and read the white paper for more technical details


on the Gotem Platform everyone will be able to post for their urgent cases related to private investigations, or defense, cyber security and humanitarian aid and much more because the Gotem platform will allow anyone to search and hire private investigators, private security and virtual detectives from all over the world. world remotely, so all ordinary people and licensed researchers can also provide research services or assist in finding information or troubleshooting in an easy, profitable and discreet way as anyone with simple Internet search skills can easily find out everyone can help to solve many problems because they will find themselves on the Gotem platform because all the people from around the world who in turn need specific information about a person, organization or tangible product, in this way the demand for private investigations and security has become Increasing because the market through demand for private investigators and security are on the rise as well through the Internet and globalization around the world facilitates connection with anyone in the world so through the class of private detectives they will be known for their remote work thus contributing to various actions as they do not promise to get results immediate but rather hard work through a standard Detective practice of requiring a non-refundable deposit before initiating an investigation will be a standard normal practice as a client would be out of luck in the event that one does not complete the same as through the demand for investigations Gotem is growing with an accessible channel to meet this demand in this way Gotem aims to revolutionize and bring all interested parties together in a single, accessible and easy place

Crowdsourcing Investigations as a Hedge Against the Growing Pandemic

Gotem enables humanitarian crowdfunding solutions. And with around 21.8M confirmed cases worldwide, countries are taking measures to contain it by limiting flights, locking down cities, and prompting people to self-isolate. Italy has been hit the hardest with more than 40,000 confirmed cases with the death toll exceeding that of China’s. The governor of California also recently ordered residents to stay at home except for essential outings and ordered businesses such as bars, theaters, and gyms to close.

With the larger outlook of the virus often being the focus, the most vulnerable are often forgotten. The homeless, unable to self-isolate, and elderly people over the age of 60 and with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable. In the UK, food banks, serving an estimated 14 million people, are currently running low on food and volunteers and are unable to serve people with mental health issues, single mothers, and persons with disabilities. Lost wages too by those already in poverty mean that fixed costs like rent may not be able to be met and shortages also exist globally in terms of medical equipment and supplies. In these trying times, many are willing to embark on campaigns to help those in need, yet where are they to turn to raise and coordinate funds?

The Gotem platform coincidently launches this year as the pandemic ravages the world through a global lockdown. Just when crowdfunding and social distancin become a necessity. Gotem is also an all-in-one stop for communication among various parties and includes built-in decentralized smart contracts, payment management, and escrow systems that may not only benefit individual causes, but more complex and coordinated efforts where agreements need to be set and payments released at certain milestones. Gotem arrives as a resource for fundraising and campaign coordination during the global crisis.

Gotem also leverages technology in the campaign process. Smart contracts over the blockchain ensure security and transparency and funds are coordinated to be released via a voting system that may include pre-agreed multiple third-party mediators. Gotem also operates via cryptocurrency in its native GTX token allowing causes to extend both locally and internationally and it accepts debit and credit card pledges and payments.

Even though the crisis is hitting those most vulnerable, Gotem may provide local and international solutions to individuals or it may be a means for agencies to fundraise and to manage various stakeholders. Everyone deserves a chance during the global outbreak and a chance to make a difference.



Conception of MeetMySpy — an online marketplace to remotely hire private investigators and private security anywhere in the world. Enrolls into Taiwan Startup Stadium Incubator for startups.


MeetMySpy debuts with a booth at Techcrunch Disrupt — San Francisco. Platform is featured on Forbes, Buzzfeed, BeFast TV and NYC Media Labs.


Interviewed by Andrew Ng of CBS Interactive. MeetMySpy generates thousands of cases worldwide. From investigation cases ranging from missing persons, fraud, digital theft, infidelity, violent crimes, kidnapping, corruption, and public safety. Private Detectives from over 60 countries sign up to provide services on the platform.


MeetMySpy is accepted to showcase with a booth at Thailand Startup Tech Convention. Partners with Karma Bhutia to rebrand MeetMySpy into GotEM.


Gotem redesign and implementation of ETH token for Smart Contracts. Recruiting team members and partnering with various executives for expansion and development.


Q2 launch of dynamic beta platform. Acceptance into AWS Joint Innovation Incubator at Startup Terrace in New Taipei City. In part of AWS 2020 incubations program.

Core Team Members

TA-WEI CHANG - Co-Founder – Chief Executive Officer

KARMA BHUTIA - Co-Founder – Chief Strategy Officer

RAFIQ AL SHAHBAZ - Attorney and Advisory

JUSTIN BAGAN - Marketing Content Writer

TIM SUN - Backend Engineer


DONALD HSU - Director of Compliance and Investor Relations

AHMED SHAHZAIB - Lead Product Developer

CHIBA CHANG - Company Mascot - Specializing in branding and marketing










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